WE PLUS is our most exclusive membership that gives you access to all our training: Functional training, Yoga, group training, functional training & HIIT, gym and a discount on padel.

  • Functional training at WE Arlandastad
  • Yoga at WE Stadsängarna
  • Functional training & HIIT at WE Stadsängarna
  • Group training
  • Gym training
  • 1 h/day indoor golf
  • 20 % discount on padel

WE GOLD is for those who want to become part of the community and workout in our luxurious gyms. It gives you access to group training, functional training & HIIT, gym and a discount on padel, but does NOT give you access to functional training at WE Arlandastad and yoga at WE Stadsängarna.

  • Functional training & HIIT at WE Stadsängarna
  • Group training
  • Gym training
  • 20% discount on padel
  • As a student or senior, you have a 10% discount on our regular membership prices.
  • If you´re the age of 11-15 you pay 50% of the regular membership price. (you have to train with an adult)
  • If you have reached the age of 80 and exercise, you pay 50% of the regular membership price.
  • If you have reached the age of 90, you exercise for free at WE!

You who are not yet a member of WE but want to test before signing a membership or you who just want to train for one day can buy a day pass in the GOActive! app.

You then get access to the entire range on WE for a whole day. (not golf) Group training classes are booked in the app.

To enter the facility, WE needs to have the reception open or you as a guest need to enter together with a WE member.

If you choose to commit for 12 months, you will get our best price for each membership.

If you are a student or senior, you need to contact us to be able to sign up for the discounted membership.

For all memberships, a membership fee of SEK 200 is added in order for you to receive your wristband and all our membership benefits.


  • Personal RFID bracelet that gives access to our facilities.
  • Free access to lockers that can be locked with the wristband.
  • Discount on padel.
  • Discounts on all our treatments, read more here.
  • Discounts and benefits from our partners.
  • And of course free coffee.


WE Träning & Hälsa AB General conditions for membership will you find HERE.

Upon termination, 30 days’ notice applies after the binding period expires. Termination takes place in writing via email by emailing